Wednesday, March 28, 2012


1. Akey, A.J., Lu, C., Wu, L., Zhu, Y., and Herman, I.P., “Anomalous photoluminescence Stokes shift in CdSe nanoparticle and carbon nanotube hybrids”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 045404 (2012)
2. Bo, S-H., Wang, F., Janssen, Y., Zeng, D., Nam, K.-W., Xu, W., Du, L.-S., Graetz, J., Yang, X.Q., Zhu, Y., Parise, J., Grey, C., and Khalifah, P., J. Mater. Chem., DOI: 10.1039/c2jm16436a (2012).
3. Chen, H., Wu, L., Zhang, L., Zhu, Y., Grey, C.P., "LiCoO2 Concaved Cuboctahedrons from symmetry -controlled topological reactions", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 262-270.
4. Y. Cai, C. Ma, Y. Zhu, J. X. Wang, and R.R. Adzic "Low-Coordination Sites in Oxygen-Reduction Electrocatalysis: Their Roles and Methods for Removal", Langmuir 2011, 27, 8540-8547
5. Ciston,J., Si, R., Rodriguez, J.A., Hanson, J.C., Martínez-Arias,A., Fernandez-García,M., and Zhu, Y., “Morphological and Structural Changes during the Reduction and Reoxidation of CuO/CeO2 and Ce1 xCuxO2 Nanocatalysts: In Situ Studies with Environmental TEM, XRD, and XAS”, J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 13851–13859
6. Inada, H., Su, D., Egerton, R.F., Konno, M., Wu, L., Ciston, J., Wall, J., and Zhu, Y., "Atomic Imaging Using Secondary Electrons in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope : Experimental Observations and Possible Mechanisms", invited articles for the special issue in honor of John Spence, Ultramicroscopy 111 (2011) 865-876.
7. Jang, H. W.; Felker, D. A.; Wang, Y.; Niranjan, M. K.; Zhang, Y.; Nelson, C. T.; Su, D.; Folkman, C. M.; Bark, C. W.; Baek, S. H.; Lee, S.; Janicka, K.; Zhu, Y.; Pan, X. Q.; Fong, D.; M. S. Rzchowski, C. B. E., "Strongly-correlated two-dimensional electron gas at oxide interfaces", Science, 2011, 331, 886-889.
8. M. Jiang, B. Lim, J. Tao, Pedro H. C. Camargo, C. Ma, Y. Zhu and Y. Xia; "Epitaxial overgrowth of platinum on palladium nanocrystals", Nanoscale, 2, 2406-2411 (2010).
9. Q. Meng, D. O. Welch, and Y. Zhu "Oxygen reordering near room temperature in YBa2Cu3O6+x: A thermodynamic model", Phys. Rev. B 83, 144106 1-6 (2011).
10. Meng, Y.-S., McGilvray, T., Yang, M.-C., Gostovic, D., Wang, F., Zeng, D., Zhu, Y., and Graetz, J., "In Situ Analytical Electron Microscopy for Probing Nanoscale Electrochemistry", Interface, The Electrochemical Society, 20, 49-53, 2011
11. Ofan, A., Gaathon, O., Zhang, L., Evans-Lutterodt, K., Bakhru, S., Bakhru, H., Zhu, Y., Welch, D., Osgood, Jr. R.M., "Twinning and dislocation pileups in heavily implanted LiNbO3", Phys. Rev. B, 83, 064104 1-8 (2011).
12. Raabe, S., Mierwaldt, D., Ciston, J., Uijttewaal, M., Stein,H., Hoffmann, J., Zhu, Y., Blöchl, P., and Jooss, Ch., “In-situ electrochemical electron microscopy study of oxygen evolution activity of doped manganite perovskites", Advanced Functional Materials, Accepted
13. G. Saucke, J. Norpoth, D. Su, Y. Zhu and Ch. Jooss, “Polaron absorption for photovoltaic energy conversion in a manganite-titanate pn-heterojunction”, Phys. Rev. B, accepted.
14. Smadici, S., Lee, J.C.T., Morales, J., Logvenov, G., Pelleg, O., Bozovic, I., Zhu, Y., and Abbamonte, P., "Graded orbital occupation near interfaces in a La2NiO4-La2CuO4 superlattice", Phys. Rev. B 84, 155411 1-10 (2011).
15. Sutter, E., Albrecht, P., Wang, B., Bocquet, M.-L., Wu, L., Zhu, Y., and Sutter, P., "Monodisperse Ru nanocluster arrays templated by monolayer graphene on Ru", Surface Science, 605 1676-1684 (2011).
16. Tao, J., Niebieskikwiat, D., Jie, Q., Schofield, M.A., Wu, L.,, Li, Q., and Zhu, Y., “Role of structurally and magnetically modified nanoclusters in colossal magnetoresistance”, PNAS 108 20941–20946 (2011).
17. Tan, Z., Patel, V., Likharev, K. K., Su, D., and Zhu, Y., "Experimental study of resistive bistability in metal oxide junctions", Appl. Phys. A (2011) 103, 293-300.
18. Valset, K., Taftø, J., Wu, L., and Zhu, Y., “Anharmonic thermal motion of atoms in thermoelectric Mg2Si studied via convergent-beam electron diffraction”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 220301(R) (2011)
19. Wang, J.X., Ma, C., Choi, Y.-M., Su, D., Zhu, Y., Liu, P., Si, R., Vukmirovic, M.B., Zhang, Y., and Adzic, R.R., “ Kirkendall Effect and Lattice Contraction in Nanocatalysts: A New Strategy to Enhance Sustainable Activity”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 13551–13557 (2011).
20. Wang, F., Graetz, J., Moreno, M.S., Ma, C., Wu, L., Volkov, V.V., and Zhu, Y., "?Chemical Distribution and Bonding State of Lithium in Intercalated Graphite: Identification with Optimized Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy", ACS Nano, 5 1190-1197 (2011)
21. Wang, F., Robert, R., Chernova, N. A., Pereira, N., Omenya, F., Badway, F., Hua, Ruotolo, X., M., Zhang, R., Wu, L., Volkov, V., Su, D., Key, B., Whittingham, M. S., Grey, C. P., Amatucci, G. G., Zhu, Y., and Graetz, J., "Conversion Reaction Mechanisms in Lithium Ion Batteries: Study of the Binary Metal Fluoride Electrodes", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 18828–18836.
22. Wu, L., Nam, K.-W., Wang, X., Zhou, Y., Zheng, J.-C., Yang, X.Q., and Zhu, Y., "Structural Origin of Overcharge-Induced Thermal Instability of Ni-Containing Layered-Cathodes for High-Energy-Density Lithium Batteries", Chem. Mater., 23, 3953-3960 (2011).
23. Xin, X., Zhou, X., Wang, F., Yao, X., Xu, X., Zhu, Y., and Liu, Z., “A 3D porous architecture of Si/graphene nanocomposite as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries”, J. Mater. Chem. DOI: 10.1039/c2jm00120a
24. Zeng, J.; Tao, J.; Li, W.; Grant, J.; Zhu, Y. and Xia, Y., "A mechanistic study on the formation of silver nanoplates in the presence of silver seeds and citric acid or citrate ions", Chem. Asian J. 2011, 6, 376 - 379.
25. Zeng J., Tao J., Su D., Zhu Y., Qing. D., and Xia Y., "Selective Sulfuration at the Corner Sites of a Silver Nanocrystal and Its Use in Stabilization of the Shape", Nano Lett. 11, 3010-3015 (2011).
26. Zeng, J., Zhu, C., Tao, J., Jin, M., Zhang, H., Li, Z-Y., Zhu, Y., and Xia, Y., “Controlling the Nucleation and Growth of Silver on Palladium Nanocubes by Manipulating the Reaction Kinetics”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 2354 –2358 (2012).
27. Zheng , Y., Tao, J., Liu, H., Zeng, J., Yu, T., Ma, Y., Moran, C., Wu, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, J., and Xia, Y., "Facile Synthesis of Gold Nanorice Enclosed by High-Index Facets and Its Application for CO Oxidation", Small, 7 2307-2312 (2011).
28. Zhou, H., Wang, H.-Q., Wu, L., Zhang, L., Kisslinger, K., Zhu, Y., Chen, X., Zhan, H., and Kang, J., "Wurtzite ZnO (001) films grown on cubic MgO (001) with bulk-like opto-electronic properties", Appl. Phys. Let., 99, 141917 (2011).
29. Zhou, X., Wang, F., Zhu, Y., and Liu, Z., J. of Mater. Chem. "Graphene modified LiFePO4 cathode materials for high power lithium ion batteries", J. Mater. Chem., 21, 3353-3358 (2011).
30. Zhu, Y., and Inada, H., "Scanning Electron Microscopy", Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Springer, 2011
31. Zhu, Y., Milas, M., Rameau , J., and Sfeir, M., “The Multimodal Optical Nanoprobe for Advanced Electron Microscopy”, invited article, Microscopy Today, in press, 2012
32. Su D., Meng, Q., Vaz, C. A. F., Han, M.-G., Segal, Y., Walker, J., Sawicki, M., Broadbridge, Ch., Ahn, C. H., “Origin of 90 degrees domain wall pinning in Pb(Zr(0.2)Ti(0.8))O(3) heteroepitaxial thin films”,  Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 102902(2011).
33. Zhouguang Lu, Hailong Chen, Rosa Robert, Ben Y. X. Zhu, Jianqiu Deng, Lijun Wu, C. Y. Chung, and Clare P. Grey, “Citric Acid- and Ammonium-Mediated Morphological Transformations of Olivine LiFePO4 Particles”, Chem. Mater., 23, 2848–2859 (2011).
34. Xiao-Jian Wang, Hai-Yan Chen, Xiqian Yu, Lijun Wu, Kyung-Wan Nam, Jianming Bai, Hong Li, Xuejie Huang and Xiao-Qing Yang, “A new in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique to study the chemical delithiation of LiFePO4”, Chem. Commun., 47, 7170–7172 (2011).
35. Juan Zhou, Qing Jie, Lijun Wu, Ivo Dimitrov, and Qiang Li, Xun Shi, “Nanostructures and defects in nonequilibrium-synthesized filled skutterudite CeFe4Sb12”, J. Mater. Res., 26, No. 15, (2011).
36. J.Q. He, V.V. Volkov, T. Asaka, S. Chaudhuri, R.C. Budhani and Y. Zhu, “Competing two-phase coexistence in doped manganites: Direct observations by in situ Lorentz electron microscopy”, Physical Review B, 82, 224404 (2010).